Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Always, sweetheart....

You are so welcome, baby...I know that not everything you are going through is just with you and me, but you are right, we have been through a lot and we are getting stronger and stronger everyday. I'm so happy that you are in my life and all I want is to be the support you need when you feel like you can't go on anymore. You can go on and you can get through anything that life has in store for you because I will be there with you - maybe not in person right now, but in my heart and in your heart. You amaze me every single day with how strong you have remained through everything that has been dealt to you and I can't wait to see you come through the rest and live the life you were meant to live. 

I know you are worried about your little one and it breaks my heart that you have to have this fear inside you everyday. I need you to find that faith that only a mother has - I need you to dig deeper than you ever have and let that faith and that love for your baby carry you through. He needs your energy and you have the power in you to give it to him. Please don't let the darkness swallow you whole ... look into his precious face and fight for him. Fight the negativity and the worry and the fear and chase it away - you are stronger than any of it. He needs you. I know it feels impossible sometimes, but please don't give up. When you feel like you can't take one more day of it, know that I'm here. I'm here to be that soft place and that comfort you need. We will make it through this fight too and so will he - he has a beautiful life ahead of him. 

I can't wait to see you - to look into your eyes, to hold your face in my hands, to wrap my arms around you, and to let you feel, from my heart to yours, that everything will be alright .... it will because you and I are in this world together and because there is nothing that we can't do with each other - nothing we can't face down and conquer. More and more, with every day that passes, you are the partner I have been looking for and I love that you are in my life.

Hold on, sweetheart - just keep going....something huge is waiting for us

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